Phase 2: I/O, Checkpointing, and Version Control
In this phase you’ll make your wave simulation program more capable and versatile by reading from arbitrary data files to determine initial state, writing to data files to indicate final state, and implementing checkpointing for resilience against unexpected program termination. You’ll check in your work via git and build it with CMake, which will make life easier for this and subsequent assignments.
It’s a good idea to break your wave orthotope class over multiple classes in such a way that it’ll be maximally useful for subsequent phases. I recommend a structure similar to mountainsolve
in the example code, although you don’t yet need the #ifdef
s at the top.
You can test this and subsequent phases against wavefiles.tar.gz; usage instructions are on the resources page.
In phase 1, you created and solved a specific wave plane; in this assignment, you’ll read in an arbitrary wave plane, solve it, and write the solved wave plane out. The input file will be specified as the first command line argument, and the output file as the second. Running it should look like:
./wavesolve_serial initial.wo solved.wo
Data Format
The input files are binary–the bytes written there are the same literal bytes the machine uses to represent floats and integers. They aren’t human-readable without translation–for example, when the double precision float 1.23 is “printed” in binary as a Unicode string, it looks like nonsense:
julia> join(Char.(reinterpret(UInt8, [1.23])))
The format of these input files is as follows:
: the number of dimensions as a 64-bit unsigned integer.- In C++ this is an
unsigned long
. - Unless you’re doing the extra credit, this will always be 2.
- In C++ this is an
: the wave orthotope size array which isN
64-bitunsigned long
s in order of dimensionality.- Order of Dimensionality means the first value is the number of rows (1d), then columns (2d), then layers (3d), then hyper-layers etc.
: the damping coefficient, a 64-bit float.- In C++ this is a
- In C++ this is a
: the simulation time, a 64-bit float.u
: the displacement array, an array of 64-bit floats in C array order.- The total size of this array is given by $m_1 × m_2 × … × m_N$
- Array order means the first row is written/read in its entirety, then the second, etc.
- In higher dimension waves, the next layer entirely follows the first layer.
: the velocity array, in the same format asu
To make abundantly clear the order of u
and v
, here is a 3x4 array where elements are numbered in the order in which they would be read or written:
I recommend adding a constructor and a write
function to your class, each of which take a filename as their sole argument; search for “filename” in MountainRange.hpp
for an idea of how to do so.
You can check whether your input and output files are correct with the wavediff
and waveshow
binaries included in wavefiles.tar.gz
. You could also use WaveSim
if you want to look at the files interactively–see ?WaveOrthotope
and ?write
after loading the WaveSim
module. Here’s how to read infile.wo
w = try
catch e
print("Failed to read")
e isa WaveSim.WaveOrthotopeException ? e : rethrow(e)
If there was an exception that the WaveOrthotope
constructor is equipped to handle, w
will be a WaveOrthotopeReadException
, which will contain useful data about the nature of the read failure.
Reading and Writing Binary in C++
I highly recommend using binary_io.hpp
, which was specifically written to alleviate the suffering of students who would otherwise have to use C++’s terrible binary I/O without protection.
If you insist, though, you can read and write manually:
// Read x from istream is:<char *>(&x), sizeof(x));
// Write x to ostream os:
os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&x), sizeof(x));
If you read from a std::istream
in your constructor’s member initializer list, make sure your class members are declared in the order that you’ll read them in–the declaration order, not the order of the initializer list, determines the order in which members are initialized.
Resilience to Bad Data
Since this isn’t a class about parsing or error handling, you aren’t required to deal with bad arguments or bad data files gracefully. That said, sanity checks help with debugging; mimicking the bad input handling from the example code is encouraged.
In addition to the final state, the program will also write checkpoint files at regular intervals. The interval will be determined by the environment variable INTVL
, which if it exists will be a positive value that will be parsed as a float. During the course of the solve, if the interval is set to a positive value, the simulation time of the wave orthotope after a step divided by the interval is less than 0.002 (to account for floating point imprecision), a checkpoint file should be written, unless it hasn’t been stepped yet. Said file should be named chk-<time>.wo
, where <time>
is the simulation time formatted as 4 digits, then the decimal point, then 2 digits. The solve loop that does this might look something like:
#include <format>
#include <math.h>
while ( > stop_energy) {
if (interval > 0 && fmod(w.time()+0.002, interval) < 0.004) {
auto check_file_name = std::format("chk-{:07.2f}.wo", w.time());
As an example, if INTVL
is set to 1.23
and a simulation runs for 3 seconds, two checkpoint files, chk-0001.23.wo
and chk-0002.46.wo
, should be created. If INTVL
is not defined, is not a positive value, or can’t be parsed as a float, no checkpointing should occur.
You can read INTVL
from the environment into a float with std::getenv
and std::stof
You’ll create a CMakeLists.txt
to abstract the building of your wavesolve_serial
away from the user. This will also allow you to name and organize your files however you would like, and makes grading much easier for me.
I recommend setting up tests as well. The example CMakeLists.txt
is a good example of how to do so, if a bit overwrought for this assignment; your project will grow to similar scale, though, so it’s not a bad idea to mirror that setup. You can also set up Catch2 if you’d like to do unit testing; module load catch2
will make it available on the supercomputer.
Assuming you have two source files, wavesolve_serial.cpp
and WaveOrthotope.hpp
, a minimal CMakeLists.txt
might look like:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
project(wavesolve CXX)
# Use C++20
# Build wavesolve_serial
add_executable(wavesolve_serial wavesolve_serial.cpp WaveOrthotope.hpp)
Submission: Git
You’ll submit your work via git. Clone your empty repository from our homework server, replacing netid
with your net ID:
git clone
Put your CMakeLists.txt
and source files in the resulting scicomp
directory. I’ll grade from the commit I obtain by running, I’ll git pull origin phase2; git checkout phase2
, so either develop in a branch named phase2
or tag the commit you’d like me to grade from phase2
. Make sure to git push origin phase2
so it shows up in the remote.
After making sure your code looks right, I’ll build it on the supercomputer with the following:
git clone <yournetid>
cd scicomp
git checkout phase2
module load gcc/14.1 cmake catch2
mkdir bld
cd bld
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ..
cmake --build . --parallel
I recommend doing the same when you’re finished to ensure that everything is in its place within the repo.
I’ll also test that the generated wavesolve_serial
produces correct results; you should do so as well.
All of your work for subsequent assignments should be done in the same git repo. You don’t need to copy it to save your old work since git is already doing that. Having a multiple redundant git repos has been proved by former students to be a recipe for disaster.
This phase is worth 20 points. The following deductions, up to 20 points total, will apply for a program that doesn’t work as laid out by the spec:
Defect | Deduction |
Failure to compile | 5 points |
Failure to work on each of 3 test files | 4 points each |
Failure to run successfully (e.g. due to a segmentation fault or hang) | 5 points |
Failure to checkpoint correctly | 5 points |