This is the first phase of the semester-long project. It serves as a good litmus test–if you struggle implementing it once you understand the problem, you’re likely to flounder in the rest of the class.

The problem description can be found here; you’ll need to read through it before understanding this assignment. Most students will find the C++ resources helpful.

The Assignment

Given a damping coefficient of 0.01, an initial grid of size 25x50 with edges fixed at zero, displacement \(u\) initialized to all zeros, and the interior of displacement velocity \(v\) initialized to 0.1:

\[u_0 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & \dots & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \dots & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix}\] \[v_0 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & \dots & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0.1 & \dots & 0.1 & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0.1 & \dots & 0.1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \dots & 0 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix}\]

…your job is to solve these initial conditions and print the simulation time to stdout followed by a newline; nothing else should be printed to stdout, and no input should be taken. The answer should be 157.77, but I care more about the means of getting this answer than the answer itself. You’ll turn in a C++20 source file named wavesolve.cpp and (optionally) any headers required by it.

The file(s) you create will be compiled and run by the latest version of GCC installed on the supercomputer with the following:

module load gcc/14.1
g++ -std=c++20 -o wavesolve wavesolve.cpp

You can test your implementation in the same way. You’ll probably want to set up VS Code on the supercomputer to develop your code unless you’re familiar with vim or emacs. If you have no experience with Linux, you can also test with an online C++ compiler for this assignment. Future assignments will need to be completed on the supercomputer.


We recommend following the pattern demonstratated in the example code. A simplified sequence diagram is available to illustrate the evaluation of the program.

If you follow the pattern of the example code to create a WaveOrthotope class with solve and sim_time functions and a constructor taking rows, columns, and damping coefficient, your main can be very simple:

#include <iostream>
#include "whatever_your_header_is_called.hpp"

int main() {
    // Create WaveOrthotope
    auto rows = 25, cols = 50;
    auto c = 0.01;
    auto w = WaveOrthotope(rows, cols, c);
    // Set interior cells of v to 0.1
    // TODO
    // Solve and print result
    std::cout << w.sim_time() << std::endl;
    return 0;

The most challenging part of the assignment for most students is using 2-dimensional arrays of runtime size in C++. I recommend using a one-dimensional std::vector to store your data, then using a function to pretend it’s two-dimensional. Here’s a simple interface class with everything you should need for this phase, including displacement and velocity functions for 2-dimensional array access:

class WaveOrthotope {
    const size_t rows, cols;  // size
    const double c;           // damping coefficient
    double t;                 // simulation time
    std::vector<double> u, v; // displacement and velocity; size is rows*cols

    WaveOrthotope(auto rows, auto cols, auto damping_coefficient);

    auto &displacement(auto i, auto j) { return u[i*cols+j]; }
    auto &velocity(    auto i, auto j) { return v[i*cols+j]; }

    auto sim_time() const { return t; }

    double energy(); // optional, to be used in solve

    double step(double dt); // optional, to be used in solve

    double solve();

// Example velocity function usage:
auto wo = WaveOrthotope(/*...*/);
wo.velocity(1, 2) = 1.5; // set v[1, 2] to 1.5

No matter what you do, your life will be much easier in subsequent assignments if the data in u and v is contiguous.

Not everything in the example mountain range class is needed at this stage–for example, everything having to do with reading and writing files won’t be relevant until the next phase of the project.


This phase is worth 20 points. The following deductions, up to 20 points total, will apply for a program that doesn’t work as laid out by the spec:

Defect Deduction
Failure to compile 5 points
Failure to output a result between 157 and 158 2 points
Failure to output exactly 157.77 3 points
Failure to run successfully (e.g. due to a segmentation fault or hang) 5 points
Code isn’t relevant to the assignment, or just prints “157.77” or similar 20 points

As an example, code that looks about right but fails to compile would receive 5 points–deductions for failure to compile, failure to run successfully, and failure to output a correct result all apply.